Thursday, November 8, 2018

Why Going Green Is Important

Did you know the environment isn’t the only thing that benefits from the use of green energy? While it’s true that going green reduces global warming emissions and pollution, the use of green energy offers a number of other social and economic benefits that often go overlooked. Below are just some of the many benefits of green energy.

1. Green energy has less service disruption

Green energy services can actually be more reliable than traditional energy services. Green energy systems like wind and solar power are less likely to experience large-scale failure because they are distributed (spread out over a large geographical area) and modular (made up of multiple units of equipment). That means problems in one geographical area, like severe weather, or problems with one piece of equipment won’t do as much to disrupt service to an entire region.

2. Green energy creates more jobs

The growing appreciation for and technological development of green energy means that more jobs are being created in the renewable energy industry every day. According to a report by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), green energy production created an estimated 7.7 million new jobs around the world in 2014. If this trend continues, IRENA predicts that number could soar to more than 16 million jobs by 2030.

3. Going green results in lower healthcare costs

It’s no secret that air and water pollution from fossil fuels can cause cancer, breathing problems, heart attacks and other serious health issues. Replacing fossil fuels with green energy sources helps reduce harmful emissions and clean up air and water quality, which improves public health and lowers overall healthcare costs.

4. Go green for a stronger economy

Green energy services do more for the community than just power homes more efficiently. Many local governments collect taxes from renewable energy projects, which can be used to improve public services. New jobs directly created in the green energy industry create a ripple effect that benefits other related industries. Even businesses that are unrelated to the green energy industry often benefit from rising incomes across households and businesses.

5. Green energy means energy independence

Because most green energy sources (like wind, sunlight, and water) don’t need to be imported, utilizing green energy helps reduce our nation’s dependence on foreign imports like oil. Even more than that, by utilizing more green energy sources, many states can dramatically reduce their need to spend money importing coal and oil from across the country or from foreign countries, leading to greater energy independence.

6. Renewable energy is an inexhaustible energy source

Green energy sources are renewable, meaning they are replenished naturally and relatively quickly. Natural resources like wind, water, sunlight and geothermal heat could potentially supply the entire country’s energy needs with surplus. And unlike our finite supply of fossil fuels, renewable energy sources are inexhaustible and in continuous supply.
IGS Energy is proud to offer green energy services and products that give consumers a simple, cost-effective way to go green. Our goal in offering green energy services is to not only meet our present energy needs, but to also prepare for future generations.

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